Frequently asked questions

Our experienced team has compiled a list of the common questions we receive when people talk to us about aged care. If your question isn’t answered here, please get in touch with us for more information.

+Do you have nurses on your staff?
+ What kind of food do you provide?
+What makes Strathpine different from other aged care homes?
+ How private will my room be?
+ When can my family and friends visit?
+ How will you help me settle into the home?
+ Can I make my room personal, with my own furniture and belongings from home?
+ Are pets allowed?
+ Can I get extras like my own phone, the internet or pay TV?
+ I know hospitals have their routines. Do your aged care homes have them too?
+ Can I manage my own finances?
+ Can I come and go from the home as I please?
+ Can I continue to see my own doctor?

Book a tour

Come and see why Strathpine Aged Care is the right decision for you or your loved one by booking a private tour of our home.

Book your private tour