Dementia Friendly Care

Strathpine emphasises personalised care, utilising an innovative and rehabilitative approach to dementia care. Through this method, we support and encourage each person to live more independently and with purpose. This unique way of caring is specifically tailored to enhance the lives of those living with memory loss.

Strathpine's thoughtful design supports independence and wellbeing in Dementia care

Strathpine's memory loss support unit is uniquely designed with an internal courtyard in the heart of the common area. This feature ensures residents have continuous access to the outdoors, greenery, and abundant natural light.

Our staff are not only specially trained in our memory support unit but also possess a genuine passion and dedication to working with individuals experiencing memory loss, ensuring personalised and compassionate care.

The rooms are enhanced with ceiling-to-floor windows, allowing plenty of natural lighting to create a bright and uplifting environment.

Every room within the memory loss support unit opens to external courtyards, fostering a connection with nature.

What is the Strathpine’s approach to Dementia Care?

Our approach to care is a model based on the best practices for aged and dementia care, coupled with creating an expertly prepared environment. This method emphasises supporting the individual and the surroundings, tailored to aid memory loss and foster independence. The result is that people living with dementia can make meaningful contributions to their community, engage in significant activities, and can maintain and even restore function. This approach is flexible, innovative, and firmly rooted in research.

Dementia care in action

Our approach centres around helping people living with dementia undertake meaningful tasks and maintain independence and dignity. This is put into action across four broad areas.

  • Cognitive - encouraging residents to keep their memory fit through mind-based activities. 
  • Practical Life - involving residents in practical activities around the home. 
  • Social, cultural and spiritual - connecting residents with stimulation such as reading, enjoying music or exercising such as dancing or gardening. 
  • Sensory - introducing a combination of physical and sensory stimulation through practical tasks.

A prepared environment

In our memory loss support unit, a well-prepared environment is essential to make residents feel safe and confident and stay engaged. In practical terms, this means providing visual cues throughout the home support everyday tasks. We take care to create a safe and engaging space for residents to interact and live in, focusing on their individual needs and comfort.

Qualified and supportive caregivers

It goes without saying that our approach to dementia care requires highly qualified caregivers. Our team combines their extensive care experience with specialised training to provide the highest quality of care, focusing on the unique needs and wellbeing of each individual.